TDLA Spring Educational Meeting Arpril 8-9
Cynosure Dental Laboratory will be there.
Click to play PowerPoint slide.Click to play
It still doesn’t convert to flash properly. The “The PROS in Removable PROSthetics” should fade in at the very end.
Valentine’s Day Special: Â Â Heart Shaped Partials
In January of 2011 the NFDH changed its name to the Dental Lifeline Network. The link is still good. Click Here to visit the NFDH whose  Donated Dental Services (DDS) program,  a collaborative, direct way that the dental profession reaches out to individuals with special needs, we are honored to support.
I just  started this case and will post as it progresses. I hope to get patient photos. We’ll see.
Music Credit: Swizzle Stick by Chris Lane
Order a surgical stent with your immediate denture and get a free up grade to our Surgical AED (limit two to a practice)…But you have to ask for our Web Wewards.
These will double as a surgical stent and as an Avoid Embarrassment Denture when it’s time for the definitive lab reline. Made with clear ortho material with the anterior six in a tooth resin.
Surgical AED