My first powerpoint

Click to play PowerPoint slide.Click to play

It still doesn’t convert to flash properly. The “The PROS in Removable PROSthetics” should fade in at the very end.

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Click here to download the full size PDF: AccuframePlus.

Here’s a preview:


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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day Special:    Heart Shaped Partials

and I got pinned today also:    

30 year CDT pin

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First Donated Dental Services Case of 2011

We got a sweet ‘thank you’ note from the patient.

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Fun with Wax

Fun with wax:

Gold Service Wax up (click to see full view)

a little more subtle with the colorization (anteriors only)

The MBA technique for wax colorization.

Part one Melt and Blow:

Melt and Blow

Part two Add the colored wax:

Add colored wax

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